Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Healthy-ish Broccoli Cheese Soup

Healthy-ish Broccoli Cheese Soup
I forgot to take a picture of the final product but this is just before adding the cheese. It makes 4 nice sized servings. I used 1% milk instead of half and half / skim milk (like they suggested) and I used lower fat medium cheddar cheese from Save On. I would reduce the pepper to 1/4 tsp as the 1/2 tsp was too overpowering. To julienne the carrots, I actually just grated them using a cheese grater. To get the end product, I used a hand mixer to 'puree' it and it worked just fine. If you follow weight watchers, 1/4 of the whole pot (which I counted as 1 serving) is 7 points plus.

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