Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Homemade Corn Dogs

Homemade Corn Dogs
Tonight I thought I would try something totally new... corndogs! I don't even like them that much but I knew Mitch did and I thought it'd be neat to try. I halved the recipe and it made enough batter for 7 normal sized wieners; I used the gluten free natural chicken wieners as they had the least calories and fat in comparison to other brands. I did want to try to make it a little healthier so I tried to bake some. I put them in the oven at 400 F for 15 minutes. Some of the coating slid off but they did cook well. They tasted good but the deep fried ones had that extra yummy kick (with a bazillion more calories, haha). 

Pre-coated it with cornmeal to help the batter stick better.
Dropped it in oil heated to 350 degrees... only needs 3 minutes to cook!
Doesn't look too tasty but it was good! This is the finished product.

This is the 'baked' version.

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